Sunday, May 31, 2015


Earlier today I was riding my bike and on my third time downhill I crashed into the sticker bushes.

And this is what it looks like now. And when I was cutting a piece of a new melon I cut my finger. Now I think that I'm pretty tough handling all that and not having to go to the ER.

Riding on my bike felt pretty good with the wind blowing in my face until I crashed. Even though I got hurt I still got back on. I learned my lesson from bikes and balance. And my dad told me I would have a lot more scratches being a bike rider. I want to be like Matt Hoffman. He's a BMX rider and got through the XGames BMX championship. My dream is to be in the Xgames like Matt Hoffman.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

EPIC WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had an epic weekend because:
 #1 I got to go to a RAINIERS game with my friends and family. The best part of the game was Rhubarb dancing on the top of the dugout and sitting by my friends and not my parents.
#2 I got to go to Four Star Farm and I got to feed, meet and ride the horses. when I rode the horse named Callahan the best part was that the ride felt like I had swag! 

#3 I got to go to my dad's gaming store where he plays DUST TACTICS. my dad is teaching me a lot of his board games like DUST TACTICS or WARHAMMER 40K and "MARS ATTACKS! the miniature game" this has been an awesome weekend but now I am interested in "Minecraft" and "Halo". 
I had a lot of fun this weekend.

Plus on Friday I got to see my teacher's French Bulldog named Schurman. And I got to play video games for most the day [except now].

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

roblox and other cool things!

so I am playing Minecraft today and I built a TNT house and I blew it up!!! I knew I would be dead by the time it blew up! But I was on peaceful. I like Roblox and ...COMICS!!! I am actually a comic writer myself but the characters are stick figures. my favorite song is Centuries by Fall Out Boy. I also like cooking with my mom.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Intro to the g-man

Hello, my name is Gannon. I like all sorts of things. From minecraft to muscle cars! This is my first day on my blog so I might be nervous. If you want to comment on this it has to be appropriate, be respectful and kind to my blog. THAT MEANS NO CUSS WORDS!!  My favorite food is chicken nuggets and I'm officially done with gluten and dairy I have a favorite game. And my favorite color
is... GREEN!!!!!!! And I like the Seahawks!

        This blog was made by Gannon 👾